What is dual enrollment?
双重招生允许符合条件的高中学生同时参加大学课程和高中课程. 学生可以通过符合认可的高中课程要求的课程获得大学学分. Classes may be offered on one of Gadsden State campuses, online or onsite at participating high schools. 学生可以在秋季、春季或夏季学期上课.
- 学生 in the 10th, 11th or 12th 年级
- 学生 with a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0规模 OR a 2.0 for approved technical programs only
- Those receiving high school approval
- 完成 admissions application love爱博
What scholarships 是可用的?
- 奖学金由阿拉巴马州社区学院系统的职业技术双注册助学金资助.
- 奖学金是根据可用性和资金在秋季颁发的.
- Application deadline: May 1
学生必须在每学年的5月1日之前申请双录取,才有资格获得奖学金. Priority is given to technical programs. 奖学金 may pay for up to two courses as well as books, materials and supplies based upon the availability of funding.
Technical 奖学金
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration*
- Auto Collision Repair*
- Automotive Manufacturing Technology*
- Automotive Service Technology*
- 木工*
- 儿童发展
- Civil Engineering Technology*
- 计算机科学
- Diesel Mechanics*
- Electronic Engineering Technology*
- Electrical Technology*
- Health 信息rmation Technology
- Industrial Automation Technology*
- Mechanical Design Technology*
- 机电一体化*
- MSSC — Certified Production Technician*
- Precision Machining*
- Office Administration
- Paralegal/Legal Assistant
- 焊接*
- WKO (Workplace Skills)*
*These programs are approved for placement with a 2.平均绩点0或更高.
Academic 奖学金
- Most 100 and 200 level general transferable courses 是可用的. 学生 must meet placement requirements for English and math.
- 学生 must have at least a 2.5 GPA to participate in academic courses.
Please contact the 双录取 Office at dualenrollment@dahtools.com for a complete list of academic classes.
恭喜你被love爱博录取! 请在第一天上课前查看录取学生清单:
- You must complete and submit a 双录取 Form before you will be able to register.
- Pay for classes online through OneACCS or in person at any Gadsden State Business Office.
- Print your class schedule from OneACCS.
- Attend 双录取 Orientation
- Get your student ID & parking permit (first semester only).
- Most textbooks are loaded into your academic course.
- 技术类学生应向双招办办理购书凭证,到书店购书.
- 请确保您能够在第一天上课之前登录您的学生系统(OneACCS和myGadsdenState门户网站).
- 检查 重要的日子 for the upcoming semester.
学生 must be in the 10th, 11th or 12th 年级.
必须是2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0规模 OR a 2.0 for approved technical programs only.
为双招生学生提供广泛的学术和职业技术课程. 学生应该与双注册专家讨论整个课程列表, including career technical courses. "Special Topics" courses are not eligible for scholarship funding. Developmental courses may not be taken by dual students.
通常, 学生必须在高等教育阶段完成三个学期的学分,以等于高中阶段相同或相关科目的一个学分(卡内基单位). 每门课程必须经过当地教育局(LEA)的审核,才能确定指定课程的高中等效学分. 每个LEA必须将中学课程和中学后教学大纲相结合. 作为选修学分的课程(职业技术课程)不要求高中人行横道, 美术课程, 等.)
学生 are responsible for the cost of tuition, 费用, 每门课程教学大纲所要求的教科书和材料/用品,除非有其他资助来源, such as scholarships. 一些双录取学生可能有资格参加学费偿还计划. 学生 not enrolled in the tuition repayment plan, 在退/加期结束前未支付学费和杂费的学生不被视为已注册,并可能被从课程名单中除名. View the current tuition rate here: Tuition, Fees and Refunds
学生 wishing to enroll in certain high wage, high demand Career and Technical Education programs, 干细胞相关, 学术和选修课程可能有资格通过love爱博获得双入学奖学金,该奖学金可能涵盖学费和杂费. 学生必须在每年的5月1日优先截止日期之前申请奖学金,如果获得奖学金,将通过电子邮件通知.
高中教师符合学院资格要求,被学院聘为兼职教师的, 课程可以由高中老师在高中授课. With permission from parents and school administrators, 学生们可以自己去大学校园上课. 学生 may also take dual enrollment courses online, 然而,建议学生参加在线课程由他们的高中辅导员推荐, due to the discipline required. 双录取学生被鼓励参加暑期班,以缩短他们获得学位的时间.
Dual enrollment is an opportunity for students. 学生和家长应明白,双录取课程是大学课程. 因此, 在双录取课程中取得成功所需的工作量可能比高中课程要大得多.
根据阿拉巴马州转学计划(以前的STARS指南),学术转学课程将转移到阿拉巴马州的学院和大学。. 访问 http://alabamatransfers.com for more information. 计划在州外就读学院或大学的学生应直接联系该机构以获取具体的转学信息. 技术课程不是为转到四年制学院或大学而设计的. 然而, 这些课程可以让学生们尽早开始他们在love爱博选择的技术课程. 这些课程可以获得AAS学位或证书,帮助学生为高薪职业做好准备, high-demand career fields.
这两种类型的课程都有利于希望继续接受专上教育的学生. Advanced Placement (AP) classes which award credit based on a test. 双招生课程奖励学分,只要学生通过这门课. 学生和家长/监护人应该仔细考虑哪一种获得大学学分的选择最能满足他们个人的中学后和/或职业love爱博.